Pornography addiction

As part of sex education you want to talk to the young people in your life about pornography, right?

Pornography. Many people enjoy it. Many people masturbate to it. Is it addictive? What is the difference between really enjoying something and being addicted to it? Is there someone in your life who masturbates a lot, and you’d like to talk to them about it? And if so – you’d be better be confident before you start that you’ve got a good answer to the question “What’s the right amount of masturbation?”.

It’s going to be an awkward conversation so you might as well have a laugh about it. A study by Australian researchers found out that young men get a lot of their information about sex and relationships from vulgar comedy programs like Family Guy – so why not lean into that and use it to spark a teachable moment?

Watch this video where Quagmire discovers porn on the internet and then use the Study Guide below to talk openly and frankly with the young people in your life (or even with the not-so-young people in your life) about how much wanking is too much. That’s the kind of teachable moment that more of us need in our lives.

Warning: this video includes references to pornography, and a graphic depiction of the terrible dangers of pornography addiction.

Study Guide

  1. How much wanking is too much?
  2. How much wanking is too little?
  3. What is exactly the right amount of wanking?

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